{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "WaterWithdrawalExtractDataTool", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This custom geoprocessing tool will allow users to input a layer (can have all the records or filtered/queried/selected records) of the Water Withdrawal Facility points. Later, the tool will grab the Water Withdrawal Facility points related tables (I_GW_Totals and J_SW_Totals) data and the facility points feature class data (DSW_WaterWithdrawalFacility_A_GIS) for the facilities and exports them to a zip file in csv, excel, or both formats for the user.", "description": "This custom geoprocessing tool will allow users to input a layer (can have all the records or filtered/queried/selected records) of the Water Withdrawal Facility points. Later, the tool will grab the Water Withdrawal Facility points related tables (I_GW_Totals and J_SW_Totals) data and the facility points feature class data (DSW_WaterWithdrawalFacility_A_GIS) for the facilities and exports them to a zip file in csv, excel, or both formats for the user.", "summary": "This custom geoprocessing tool will allow users to input a layer (can have all the records or filtered/queried/selected records) of the Water Withdrawal Facility points. Later, the tool will grab the Water Withdrawal Facility points related tables (I_GW_Totals and J_SW_Totals) data and the facility points feature class data (DSW_WaterWithdrawalFacility_A_GIS) for the facilities and exports them to a zip file in csv, excel, or both formats for the user.", "title": "WaterWithdrawalExtractDataTool", "tags": [ "WaterWithdrawalExtractDataViewTool", "Extract", "Related", "Data", "View", "Tool", "GP", "Geoprocessing", "Water", "DSW", "Custom" ], "type": "Geoprocessing Service", "typeKeywords": [ "ArcGIS Server", "Geoprocessing Service", "Service", "Tool", "Web Tool" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://gis.ohiodnr.gov/arcgis", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "
Water Withdrawal Facility Custom Data Download Information<\/div>
This data from this application is intended to illustrate registered water withdrawal facilities within the State of Ohio, by status and type. The facility capacity information is based on existing data provided by the facility, which may include missing or incomplete data. ODNR is actively working with facilities to update their information. The facility information on this viewer is updated weekly on Saturday.<\/div>
These data are derived from multiple sources and the locational quality may be varied. Location and parcel boundaries may require additional research and or professional surveying to achieve desired accuracy.<\/div>
Users may experience differences in the application's performance and functionality depending on the device they are using. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) cannot guarantee a consistent experience across all devices.<\/div>
ODNR does not warrant these data and claims no liability regarding accuracy or damage caused by its use or misuse. This product of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is intended to provide general information only and should not be used for any other purposes. It is not intended for resale or to replace site-specific investigations. These data were compiled by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources which reserves the publication rights to this material. If these data are used in the compilation of other data sets or maps for distribution or publication, this source must be referenced.<\/div>
The parcel data depicted in this map is aggregated and managed by the Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP). More information on statewide parcel data is available httpsohioparcels-geohio.hub.arcgis.com<\/div>
For questions about anything you may find in this map viewer please contact<\/div>
Division of Water Resources<\/div>
Water Inventory & Planning Program<\/div>
2045 Morse Road, Building B-3<\/div>
Columbus, OH 43229<\/div>" }