Description: This data set contains the bedrock-topography contour lines for the state of Ohio. This data set was created as part of a project to create the new state bedrock-geology map for Ohio. The contours come from a number of different sources, which include new mapping done at the 1:24,000 scale and existing mapping done at 1:24,000 and 1:62,500 scale. Existing county bedrock topography maps were photo-enlarged to 1:24,000 scale to match individual 7.5-minute quadrangles.
Copyright Text: Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Geological Survey
Description: This data set contains surface and subsurface information used in the construction of the bedrock-topography maps for the state of Ohio. This data set was created as part of a project to create the new state bedrock-geology map for Ohio. The data in the dataset come from a number of different sources, which include water wells, ODOT bridge borings, Ohio EPA waste-disposal site borings, oil and gas wells, and information from published and unpublished reports, some of which are on file at the ODGS. Location information is plotted on 7.5-minute quadrangles.
Copyright Text: Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Geological Survey
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