| <Null> |
| 6Da - Regolith over Bedded Sedimentary Rock (Unglaciated) |
| 6Dc - Thick Loess over Bedded Sedimentary Rock (Unglaciated) |
| 6E - Limestone (Unglaciated) |
| 6K - Karst Limestone (Unglaciated) |
| 6F - Alluvium over Bedded Sedimentary Rock (Unglaciated) |
| 6L - Shale (Unglaciated) |
| 6M - Sandstone (Unglaciated) |
| 7Aa - Till over Bedded Sedimentary Rock |
| 7Ac - Till over Limestone |
| 7Ad - Till over Sandstone |
| 7Ae - Till over Shale |
| 7Ah - Till over Bedded Limestone and Shale |
| 7Ba - Outwash |
| 7Bb - Outwash over Bedded Sedimentary Rock |
| 7Bc - Outwash over Limestone |
| 7Bd - Outwash over Sandstone |
| 7Be - Outwash over Shale |
| 7Bh - Outwash over Bedded Limestone and Shale |
| 7D - Buried Valley |
| 7Db - Coarse-limited Buried Valley |
| 7Ec - Alluvium over Sedimentary Rock |
| 7Ed - Alluvium over Glacial Complex |
| 7Ee - Alluvium over Sand and Gravel |
| 7F - Glacial Lake Deposits |
| 7Fa - Ice-dammed Lakes and Slackwater Terraces |
| 7Fc - Morainal Lake Deposits |
| 7Fd - Wave-modified Till |
| 7Fe - Pre-glacial Valley |
| 7Ga - Thin Till over Bedded Sedimentary Rock |
| 7Gb - Thin Till over Limestone |
| 7Gc - Thin Till over Shale |
| 7Gd - Thin Till over Sandstone |
| 7Gh - Thin Till over Bedded Limestone and Shale |
| 7Ha - Beaches, Beach Ridges, Dunes, and Deltaic Deposits |
| 7Hb - Thick Beaches, Beach Ridges, Dunes, and Deltaic Deposits |
| 7I - Marshes and Swamps |
| 7Ja - Glacial Complex |
| 7Jb - Sand and Gravel Interbedded in Thin Till |
| 7K - Karst Limestone |
| NR - Not Rated |