Description: Major & Minor Lake bodies within the State of Ohio, a digitized lakes of Ohio dataset based on 2006 Ohio Statewide Imagery Program (OSIP), a partnership between State, Local and Federal government agencies to develop high-resolution imagery and elevation data for the State of Ohio to benefit Geographic Information System users at all levels of government. Lake shore boundaries were digitized at a scale 1:2500. Digitized data was captured by various staff of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) – Office of Information Technology (OIT) GIS group utilizing ESRI Software. This is a static dataset based on 2006 aerial imagery and ODOT referenced data.
Service Item Id: 97b18560a1e94db3b0aac58a2766bb04
Copyright Text: Ongoing maintenance by staff of the Office of Information Technology GIS Program, Data Steward - Donovan Powers, GISP - GIS Manager - Original data creation by Aaron Hebert, Daniel Webb, Dean Martin, Matt Rogers, Mike Lohrer, Richard Moposso.
Description: This data was compiled to help with identifying proper owners of land for drilling reporting. Data collected in April 2016 and will replace the Federal Lands 2005 dataset. NOT for Public use only internal ODNR use.
Service Item Id: 97b18560a1e94db3b0aac58a2766bb04
Copyright Text: Department of Natural Resources, Office of Information Technology, National Parks Service, National Fish and Wildlife, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
Description: The ODNR_LANDS feature class is a generalized digital representation of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources land facilities, and contains property type and ownership classifications in addition to MARCS beat information.
Service Item Id: 97b18560a1e94db3b0aac58a2766bb04
Copyright Text: Department of Natural Resources, Office of Information Technology.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: HUNTING_STATUS, length: 12
, Coded Values:
[OPEN: Open to public hunting]
, [NONE: No public hunting]
, [RESTRICTED: Restricted public hunting (requires a permit to enter and hunt)]