Description: This data layer contains the buffers of the known and indicated karst features. These buffers are known as the "Probable karst areas". "Probably karst areas" were defiend as areas that: (1) lie within a half mile of a known or indicated karst location, and (2) are underlain by carbonate or gypsiferous bedrock with an overburden of less than 20 feet of noncorbonate bedrock and/or unconsolidated material as shown by comparison of 7.5-minute bedrock-topography and bedrock-topography maps to surface topography.
Service Item Id: 3504d1fbb2da4fbdb0caa42010285fa4
Copyright Text: The mapping of the known and probable karst locations was done by Rick Pavey, Dennis Hull, Scott Brockman, Greg Schumacher, Dave Stith, Mac Swinford, Terry Sole, Kim Vorbau, Keven Kallini, Emily Evans, Ernie Slucher, and Bob Van Horn. Rick Pavey was the project supervisor.
Description: The drift-thickness dataset of Ohio depicts the thickness and distribution of glacially derived sediments (called drift) and post-glacial stream sediments overlying the buried bedrock surface. This map was produced by subtracting bedrock-surface elevations from land-surface elevations to produce a residual map of drift thickness.
Description: This data layer contains the 1:500,000-scale bedrock-geology polygons for Ohio. The polygons were originally derived from the 1:24,000-scale bedrock-geology maps, that were created between 1989 through 1998. The bedrock-geology mapping program was initiated in the mid-1980s to perform detailed, 1:24,000-scale bedrock-geology maps. In 1991, the mapping approach was amended to a reconnaissance mapping methodology, but retaining the 1:24,000 scale. Both detail and reconnaissance bedrock-geologic maps were used as the basic information to compile the 1:500,000-scale, Bedrock Geologic Map of Ohio.
Service Item Id: 3504d1fbb2da4fbdb0caa42010285fa4
Copyright Text: Production of the 7.5-minute, reconnaissance and detail, bedrock-geology maps was facilitated by funding provided by the Ohio minerals severance tax and grants from the U.S. Geological Survey COGEOMAP Program and STATEMAP component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, the Ohio Department of Transportation, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency under provisions of Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act as amended in 1987. Completion of this map and the bedrock mapping program were facilitated by significant contributions by H.R. Collins, D.N. Hull, T.M. Berg, R.L. Stewart, J. McDonald, K. Callahan, E.V. Kuehnle, J. A. Kriz, R.T. Link, D.A. Stith, C.S. Brockman, K.E. Vorbau, R.R. Pavey, M.T. Baranoski, R.W. Carlton, L. Van Doren, and R.O. Klingbeil. Cross section digitization by J.L. Fox. Reconnaissance mapping consultations provided by C.H. Summerson, J.T. Dutro, and W.D. Martin, who kindly contributed data also on the Dunkard Group in Athens and Washington Counties. S.M. Bergström, G.K. Merrill, B.M. Blake, L.E. Babcock, and M.A. Kleffner graciously assisted with geologic age refinement.