This data layer contains the bedrock-structure point locations on the 1:24,000-scale bedrock-geology maps. Examples include strike and dip locations, shatter cones, brecciate zones, and zinc locations. The point locations occur primarily in the Serpent Mound disturbance area, which was originally mapped by Reidel (1975). Detailed mapping at 1:24,000 scale was performed in Ohio from the 1960's to the 1980's. During that time period, 37 7.5-minute quadrangles were mapped in detail. The bedrock-geology mapping program was initiated at the Ohio Division of Geological Survey in 1991 to perform reconnaissance geologic mapping at 1:24,000 scale. The reconnaissance and detailed geologic mapping have been combined together into this GIS dataset. There will be edge-matching issues between the reconnaissance and detailed geologic maps. |