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Item Information

snippet: Provide mosaic dataset of the 2019 3 inch pixel resolution coastal imagery flight from 3/29/2019 - 5/15/2019.
summary: Provide mosaic dataset of the 2019 3 inch pixel resolution coastal imagery flight from 3/29/2019 - 5/15/2019.
extent: [[-84.8202752466286,38.4031667992724],[-80.518872658566,41.977640125951]]
accessInformation: ODNR
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This is a mosaic of the 2019 Coastal Imagery flight by EagleView to support ODNR Coastal projects. The 2015 Lake Erie coastal elevation DEM was used as the primary DEM and the OSIP 2006 dataset as the secondary DEM for Imagery Processing. Imagery format SID GEN4.
title: OCM_MOS_2019
type: Map Service
tags: ["#ODNR; #COAST; #IMAGERY; #2019; #OHIO"]
culture: en-US
name: OCM_MOS_2019
guid: 073913AA-550C-4924-A594-0B5D3C15C41A
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere